Monthly Archives: January 2014

Motivation and winding down

Great day. Nothing too exciting. Slow motor out around SXM. Not early. Not late. No fishing. No hurries.

Yup we are winding down, just as the groove gets started.

One more reef to negotiate. Or really three. And then we start the clean up process. Laundry. Boat. Taking down a sail and making sure the sun won’t bake every thing on board while we are gone.

Little sad but its the life we live. Back to work till the next adventure. We need as much vacations as the Europeans. Summers off or something would make getting into a groove a bit easier. This was a big trip. We covered most of the windward and leeward islands in a couple if weeks. Not nearly enough time to enjoy any one spot but some new stomping grounds we haven’t been to in years. Fun times even if our foul weather gear is still drying.

Tomorrow we head to oyster pond. Crazy enterence with breaking waves and reefs to negotiate. Then 2 days to dry stuff out and put it all away. Not the livers, don’t be silly. Put one line(rope) away. One beer as a reward. See how this goes. Hence why it might take 2 days to stash all the working sheets(ropes).

Almost out of food. Much better planning than years past. When the freezer quit it taught us a plan food better given fresh fish and the trips a shore. Right now we have lunches, 3 pizza and a meal of tuna. And lots of snacks. Looking good to wind if on down.


Finally starting to get some color and learning how this panorama thing works.

Happy first Friday of the year y’all.

Funny comment.

As we were liming the day away, a storm was blowing in. By storm I mean 6 minutes of hard core rain. The folks on the Yellow beach were worried, everyone was packing up. Many dinghies heard people on and off the islands in boat loads.

On the second dingy ride of 30+ people, we over heard”

“Hey, there’s Sugar Shack, thats where we were getting our WiFi”. Almost yelled back, you are welcome, but I too was hiding from the rain storm and had been on shore using the bar’s WiFi and had left Sugar Shack connected to some place far far away, but was doing what it was supposed to. Provide WiFi hops for everyeone. Checked the stats, 200Mb was uploaded while we were gone. Sweet, love a good pirate.

Pasta and chicken and Mackeral for dinner, twas okay, need more skills on the fish side, and or more provisions at the end of the trip.
