Nothing to report….
Kidding, good day, just no wind. Turned into a project day.. Finished cleaning the teak, being careful not to fall off the boat. Christine tackled the stainless. And a few naps of course. The full stalk of bananas are nicely turning ripe. 100 or so bananas.. luckily (or our t-shirt method) is letting them turn ripe in seconds instead of all at once. And the folklore about not having bananas on boats, its bad luck for fishing.. I present you a marlin and skipjack with bananas on board.
Super hot today, barely any wind, I think it was 2 knots at most. Must be spoiled by spending too much time down in New Zealand.
Checked the water temperature, its nearly 31C (87F) can almost spend all day in the bath water without even getting chilled.
First time flying the drone off the boat while moving. Much more difficult than it sounded in my head. Normally, near land there are reference points to know which direction you are heading. Out here it’s everything is just blue. The up and down of the swell made the retrieval a challenge. Need a better plan before trying it again.
Finally broke the 1000nm to go, so that feels good. Checking the forecast and hoping for a breeze in our future. Sadly it seems the the noise free travel is still a few days away so the sound of the engine continues. How many times per day can I attempt to calculate how much engine time we can use before we run out of diesel? Is it 8 or 9 days? Are we using 3 liters per hour or 2.5? How full were the tanks? Do I trust those gauges? I’ll probably go through those calculations several more times daily till we arrive or the breeze starts and we can turn off the noisy sail.
All well on board, Fish were not interested in our slow lures today. Chicken Fajitas for dinner,.