A Woman’s Perspective – Day 3

The grib files are downloaded each night and are reviewed and discussed – the problem is they are not accurate.  The file states that the wind is coming from one direction and we are experiencing something totally different.  Right now we have pretty big seas, steady and strong winds and decent boat speed, but that is supposed to change and often does throughout the day.  A discussion about head usage is always a gross topic, but a necessary conversation.  We have 2 different types of heads on our boat – one is the Vacuflush and the other is a standard pump type head that uses salt/sea water (you pump dry, then wet, then dry, then wet).  I find that if you repeat this process of dry/wet at least 3 times you can not only remove the contents but you can remove the majority of the smell.  However, the pump type head is always going to smell more than the Vacuflush as is uses salt water and does not work as efficiently or have the same sort of “storage”.  Ensuring that everyone is on the same page on proper usage of each head is imperative – it will save you from uncomfortable discussions, smell and worse.

Boys are still trying to catch something – lots of lines out and nothing jumping on the hook.

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