A Woman’s Perspective – St Lucia

We arrived early in the morning and anchored out until the marina opened.  We were led to a slip next to a 70+ racing boat and Matt masterfully maneuvered our 25’ wide, 47’ long boat into the slip between another boat and the dock. I was so very proud!

Matt had to clear customs and immigration which took about 2 hours. We were not certain our paperwork from the Gran Canarias would work since they were not handled by us, but it was all we had.  I was so uneasy waiting for him to get back as I wanted to get everyone’s flights changed, get the haul out scheduled and just get off the boat. Of course nobody is supposed to leave the boat until the captain has returned with the clearance – so we waited.   As soon as I saw, him I jumped off the boat and headed straight for the marina office.  Of course I was unable to get the haul out scheduled; I didn’t get the slip taken care of or anything else done with regards to the boat as the office was swarmed with tons of people coming in from the ARC.  What a pain in the butt.  So, I grabbed my change and headed toward the pay phone to try to call American Airlines.  Well, guess what?  You cannot call the toll free number from a pay phone so I called the local number.  The local number cannot help you with flights and I was informed that the toll free number had to be called from a cell or land line (not a pay phone).  So as I was walking back to the boat, dejected I might add, I passed by a trailer for Digicel and I proceeded to get a local cell phone – something we have never done.  I was told that it is $.59 per minute for any call anywhere – not that bad, ha!  I ran into Ron while I was waiting for my phone and almost lost my composer, I was so frazzled.  By the time I got to the boat, saw Matt, I lost it and started crying – I was done, fried and tired.  I just wanted to be able to check something off my list.  After a drink, which always helps, I picked up my new cell phone to call AA.  Of course each call to American was an average of 15 minutes.  The first thing I had to do was try to get Marvin out in 4 hours – I did it!  After he left we just decided to relax – no work, no decisions, nothing – just drinking and dinner, how nice.

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