Cumberland bay is where we chilled

No Internet there but the spray paint on the dilapidated dingy dock said wifi and pointed at a bar that we could almost order form the boat from.

Mooring here is an anchor down and a stern tie to a palm tree and ride out the swells. We split a monohull and a cat that was to leave before sunset. Which it did and was promptly replaced by another monohull. 14 boats in all in this pretty small place

We hiked up to the top of St Vincent’s north side and took in quite the view from on top of the hillside. A couple miles in the rain and flip flops and we were worn out and back to the boat. The pictures are on the other camera so they be posted later.

It rained and rained some more so we rigged up a couple of hoses to run into jugs to top off the water tanks and now have a 1/2 full boat of water.

Charlie served us right over garlic risotto and a portion of tuna that would break the bank in a gourmet eatery. A heated game of dominoes while we swung back and forth on the hook and stern tie.

All night the alternating bow lines and stern lines made just enough noise to let us know we were in the same spot. Even with the howling winds that came with the rain.

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