The Petites

New discovery, it is a boat (break out another thousand), as we are pulling up anchor we discover that our trusty anchor rode is getting old will needs to be replaced sooner than we thought. The thought of buying new chain is not terribly daunting, but the thought of getting it delivered to our boat is scary – several hundred pounds being shipped to the islands. Of course the boys were telling me the many different types of rode to get-stainless which looks pretty but is not as strong, our current rode which is strong and has lasted 12 years, and high tinsel which is a bit stronger, but runs in different sizes which may cause us to get a new gypsy. Always something. Either way, we will need to deal with it as is until we get to Grenada and then price out something new. As it is now, the front 60′ is strong and holds us well at anchor. We headed toward Clifton and were approached by a boat boy (nothing new), but the startling thing was that he lied to us stating that there was no good hold, nothing but rocks at this anchorage. Matt so rarely loses he temper or raises his voice, shouted back, we have anchored here a half dozen times with no problem and if you look around, all other boats are at anchor. I get that he needs to make a living and that he will make nothing if we do not pick up a mooring ball – but we have rarely had a boat boy flat out lie to us. Either way, we dropped anchor, Wayne stayed on the boat to ensure that the boat stayed where it should while Matt and I headed to shore. Matt cleared customs as I played footsies with the sharks, got the wifi code, and chatted with the locals. We then headed in for provisions (2 cases of beer, water, avocado, mushrooms, bread–the staples). Back to the boat and off to explore Palm island. We had never visited here before and it is a nice little island with a private resort so not much to explore here except the pretty sandy beaches and a giant crab. We picked up anchor and headed to Petite St Vincent where we will hang out for a few nights.

Liquor Inventory: 4 Bottles of rum, 2 bottles of vodka, 1 bottle of Malibu Rum, 5 cases of beer and 50 batches of Jell-O shots (of course the above alcohol was used to make these)

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