
The down sides of going to Saba first is it cuts the wind angle so it was more of motor into the wind from Saba to Statia – no biggie, its a new island to see.

The Saba White/Red/Green (uniform colored) houses were not the same on Statia, they import more than 3 colors.  Saba was unique that all the houses had Red roofs, white buildings and green Shutters – its a law there – made everything look nice.

Statia was back to whatever colors you wanted.  Statia has a volcano crater, so yup, we hiked that the very next day after Saba.Boom
As we were out looking/wondering around – a local gave us a ride to the trail head. The ‘Quil’ is what its called, he said we would need some water, as he noticed Wayne and I had fresh beers and Christine had a single water bottle.

We hiked on anyway, heck its shorter than yesterday’s hike.

I saved one sip of beer for the top, then we climbed down in to the crater, its says proceed at own risk or with a guide.  We had met a fellow Catana owner, Morning Glory, out in the bay, who is returning to the states after an 8 year round the world trip and they were also on the trail that morning.  We passed them on the way up, and as we were cooling off at the top, they caught up and we all scampered down the rocks to the crater bottom.

Ropes and rocks and awesome banyon trees at the bottom.

We made it back to the grocery store for a cold beverage, and then found a place for lunch.   Back to the boat for some relaxation and dinner and vowed no more hiking of volcanos on this trip as everyone’s legs were sore!


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