Live Updates While Under Way

We will be doing live updates on our blog while on our passage from French Polynesia to Fiji.  So, I have suspended the regularly scheduled programming (blog posts) to prevent confusion.

We will resume our standard blog posts once we arrive in Fiji, but please keep in mind that they will be 10-12 weeks behind when these events actually occurred.  Meaning a post in July might say “Toodles Tahiti” when we actually left Tahiti in early May.

Thank you for following our blog and please continue to send comments, shares, and likes.

You can easily follow our progress directly from our website (here  Click on “Current Location” at the top of the Navigation Bar and then click on one of the links below. 

We are well prepared for this 2 week passage.  All of our safety gear is out and accessible (medical bag, ditch bag, jack lines, EPIRBS, PFDs, and life raft), foul weather gear is out, things are stowed and secure, gingerbread cookies have been made (prevents sea sickness) and weather has been checked, double checked and triple checked.

Several other boats are heading in the same direction, but not all are ready to go now.  It would have been nice to depart with a few others as there is always safety in numbers.  But, we have our good friend Donald who will be our land based weather guru and we have 4 weather sources onboard so we should be fine.  

This will be our longest passage with just the two of us on board.  Our previous passage was 11 days with just Matt and I.  But our overall longest passage was 18 days with 2 additional people on board. 3-hour shifts at night – We’ve got this!


Christine and Matt


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