FIji to New Zealand Day4 – what to do today

With champagne sailing comes responsibility. Responsibility to not become bored. So what to do today Christine thought. She wasn’t seasick tho wasn’t feeling 100% but still needed to do something. Or so it seemed.

I suggested a quick trip up the mast to see what the view was like from up there. I can’t remember exactly how she replied but I think it was something about “letting her down”. Something like she is used to Me letting her down, but is sure this is the one time that I wouldn’t let her down. Now I’m not sure if she wanted to stay up on the mast or not – but I got the impression that was not going to be the choice of activities for the day.

She figured it was a good day for baking. So lots of cookies were baked, I think I have already finished the Snicker Doodles .. Gingerbread cookies are probably gong to warm the cold out of the living room in the near future.

Just another nice day of sailing along toward the destination. Lots of naps to the sweet sound of water passing by the hulls.

Another Egg McMuffin for breakfast, and some Cajun Chicken pasta kept the hunger pains away. Oh and lots of snacking fresh cookies too.

All well, still moving along.

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