Passage Crew.

Looks like we picked up crew for this passage.

This crew member came from reputable sources that touted his seamanship and excellent fishing abilities. I resisted letting him aboard and even tried to scare him away with wild crazy captain like antics. But alas, I turned my back and again he was begging for a a ride.

I was shouting and running about and carrying on, he stood strong, as only a seasoned sailor would. Only occasionally getting up from his onboard barstool when I got within fighting distance. However, every time I turned to walk away and looked back, damn if the old salt didn’t sit right back down


Unplanned crew holding his own

Thwarted, I resigned to giving him a chance. Called customs and immigration and had the fowl crew added to the crew list in hopes he would be helpful and contribute on those long shifts and help the peace onboard.

But alas, all this guy would do is stand around and make a mess of the place. I even tried conversations and asked for some fishing tips and locations. However, like any good fisherman his beak was sealed, not even a peep of a tip on how to become a better fisherman. Nary even a fish tale about the one that got away.

He was such a loner. He would not even clean up after himself. By morning all that was left was his mess.. Its like he has never heard of a ‘head’ or ‘poop deck’ before.. Definitely went about created his own instead of asking where ours was!

All I can hope is that he left well rested and (or fell overboard). All that is left this morning is calling customs and immigration and trying to explain what happened and why we didn’t arrive with our crew member in our next port.

Now if you see a sailor wearing Red Booties, just be warned he is not to be trusted. Really more of a boob than a crew.

Too long at the bar, Now just holding on with every wave we take over the bows, thus cleaning the poop deck

All well onboard (minus one crew member)
Ticking off the miles, and sanity.
660 miles left, only a smidgen of sanity.
Sails are up, but motor sailing to aid in keeping them full .

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