Tag Archives: moorea

Amazing Sea Life in Vaiare Bay, Moorea

Our little paradise during confinement has provided us with lots to see and do under water.  We are allowed 1 hour per day to exercise which can include swimming, snorkeling, SUPng, etc…So, we spend a lot of time at the reef exploring all of the beautiful and crazy sea life.

As I mentioned before, we get lots of black tip sharks, sting rays and porcupine puffer fish.  The puffers like to hang out by the anchor chain as it rustles up food for the little scavengers.  But all three come up in full force when we turn on our green light at night.  I think the color intrigues them.

Occasionally we get beautiful spotted rays.

Matt and I find a very large, and healthy soft coral.  It is a big surprise to find her alone amongst the sea of hard coral but she is thriving.

Lots of sea life hang out in and around the soft coral.  This is also a favorite place to find nemo.  

Continuing on our snorkel we find several flounders (see 2nd image on left).  They can be challenging to spot when they are not moving, but this one caught my eye.

I also love the little black fish guarding his purple coral home.  He is looking right at me, just daring me to come closer (lower right photo).  

A giant sea cucumber can always be found within the abundant sea life.


We take the SUPs out when the seas are calm and the wind is not too crazy.  It is always cool to sneak up on the sea life (like the ray).

Did you meet Air Head Sally on our last blog, we try to entertain Wayne and Deborah during lockdown.

Events from this blog post occurred during the first week of September, 2021.  Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind our adventures.

Air Head Sally – Blow Up Friends

Flat Stanly has nothing on Air Head Sally.  We try to get creative to keep our friends entertained during confinement.    (Air head Sally helps us along.  No blowup dolls were hurt during this episode).

Air Head Sally is a happy member of our crew and really enjoys when we have guests onboard.  She practices safe measures during covid.

She loves to read and takes great pleasure when guests bring her magazines.

Although, she realizes now, that she needs reading glasses like the rest of us old farts.  Some find reading glasses sexy??

Always up for a good snorkel, she floats at the surface like we do.

Sometimes she gets overzealous with the vitamins…

But after a little nap she is back her old tricks.

Jumping into a good party like any good guest on Sugar Shack.  Of course she drinks hinano beer with the boys and manon rose (corte de provence of course)

The next morning, she takes care of business right on the bed (oops).

She just loves to cuddle.

She pops up in unexpected places.

Air Head Sally is so deflated when our guests leave that she actually tries to go home with them.

Just a wee bit of fun to brighten your day…like this rainbow over Tahiti

In our last blog, we try to entertain Wayne and Deborah during lockdown.

Events from this blog post occurred during the third week of August, 2021.  Our blog posts run10-12 weeks behind our adventures.

Underwater Sanctuary

Lockdown was extended for another 2 weeks.  A real disappointment, but not a surprise as delta ravages French Polynesia.  Just means we have to get more creative to fill our time.  Clarification around the restrictions for cruisers were released and we are now allowed to swim and do water sports within 1 kilometer of our boat.  Sweet.  So, we discover an underwater sanctuary right behind Sugar Shack.

Deborah heads back to the states after spending a week with us on Sugar Shack.  Once we drop her off at the ferry dock, we move Sugar Shack to a new to us anchorage on the south side of Vaiare Bay.  It is super lovely, and after 24 hours we are the only boat here.

Vaiare Bay, Mo'orea

Vaiare Bay, Mo’orea

We miss the sunset from here, but we still get magnificent fiery skies.

And one more with an orange sky

We are anchored in 2.5 meters of beautiful, clear turquoise water.  We have lots of happy hour guests the love to hang out with our green light.

Underwater Sanctuary

Rumor has it that the reef behind us hosts an underwater sanctuary for loads of fish and pretty corals.  Let me tell you, it did not disappoint.  We explore the reef over several days and love getting a glimpse of the underwater sea dwellers.

Underwater Sanctuary

Underwater Sanctuary

The above photo was taken at the surface looking at the marker (top), looking back at Sugar Shack (way in the distance) and Wayne striking a pose.

Lots and lots of purple coral in this area.  It was as if the coral was telling us we were amongst underwater royalty.

This very large coral head topped the surface and created a super cool reflection off the water (top).  The bottom photo is me at the edge of the drop off.  You can see it goes way deep (dark water upper right) with the light beckoning me to come explore.

Life Abounds

These underwater gardens were teaming with life.  We played with a huge variety of fish that were all curious to see the new visitors to their underwater kingdom.  A beautiful little turtle decided his shallow sanctuary was too close for comfort and headed toward the deep.

It was amazing to see such a variety of fish enjoying this piece of paradise.  Loads of butterfly fish, triggers, bat fish, neon fish, and angels.

And we swam through a school of fish trying to glean some information about their underwater education.

It always amazes me how much beauty is underwater, just a stone throws away from our boat.  It is like visiting your favorite TV series each day, but in person.

The three musketeers

Thank you for spending lockdown with us Wayne!  Even though it was not ideal, we had a great time hanging out with you.

Our new GoPro 9 took the underwater photos.  Thank you Dad!!!!

We introduce Air head Sally in our next blog..  In our last blog, we try to entertain Wayne and Deborah during lockdown.

Events from this blog post occurred during the third week of August, 2021.  Our blog posts run 10-12 weeks behind our adventures.